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Oh man, I really liked this movie, it was so much fun.The movie starts with a "nerdy" youngster being dropped off by mum to "enjoy" summer camp even though he'd rather be at home doing "geeky" things. This movie "Rim of the World." is about 4 kids learning to cope with them all having the same problems in life: their family- and a alien invasion.

I honestly have no idea how to rate this because I am very confused on who this movie is for.

The stereotypes did make me uncomfortable, however, because they are so purposely a part of the flim and especially because of the brief bit about a children's movie being used as a metaphor for race and conflicts of the working class, I believe McG was trying to bring to light something more pervasive and nefarious about human nature, but it fell flat.

who cares if there's four kids all different races? What if the writers wanted four races to learn to cope with each other and learn about there "stereotypes."

 Also, a kid goes to "juvie" for punching someone and then escapes before the big dirty goes down... Huh? That would be one hell of a case he had thrown on him and his ability to walk around in the open after escaping juvile detention without even explaining how he got out?
Not having read anything about the movie, I was sucked into the narrative and went along for the ride.

I'm sorry that these kids couldn't make you laugh without doing an offensive joke that almost every kid could get because that's where we are in life! It made the movie feel more real!

Grow up and Learn that Kids Today know just as much as you do movie rating 4/5

Actually, if you have seen an Asylum film from the last 6 or 7 years and enjoyed it, you will feel right at home on this one. I will say, for the most part, the main cast is enjoyable.But this movie for sure wouldn't win any awards. But don't expect this to either be a hidden blockbuster gem nor a disney channel movie of the week.

 I got some nostalgic 80's group of teenager themes set in an apocalyptic alien invasion world - and I loved it!

Out of all of this- if you can understand that kids now-a-days force themselves to say stuff like this to look cool-you suddenly see why this writing fits perfectly for the characters.

The beginning hits pretty quickly and we learn what exactly is in store for our heroes because something lands.I can see a room full of young teens and their parents having fun watching as a family saying "duh! dumb!" but loving the action. Once you get into the flow, its decent. Like a 2 am Syfy channel movie

I laughed out loud a bunch of times and I appreciate the movie not taking itself so seriously that an explanation is needed for *why* the alien is chasing them or *how* they crossed x amount of miles in so few days. there are characters showing back up in predictable ways after a very short introduction.

 I've seen a movie with such a celebration of kids versus aliens.They all say that "its to forced." and "the jokes are cringe-worthy , and constant." or "Racial Jokes." or "Sexual Jokes." You guys have to learn that your kids talk just like these kids do! When Dariush joked in scenes that were not needed it showed that was how he calmed himself or didn't let the whole invasion get to him when in action.

 It is just not that well written when compared to other efforts. Ultimately, if you enjoy B Movies, you'll probably enjoy this at least a little.

It's been a while since  Of course it has the feel of Spielberg predecessors and the recent "Stranger Things" series; but it's a simple entertainment movie that is fun with wisecracks and frighteners.

 Is it entertaining? Sure. Then,  It really can't be either of those.  I feel like a couple of them are out of their comfort zone, but they eventually find some sort of rhythm.

It's well paced, directed, edited, acted and the CGI sequences are also of a high standard.The plot is very childish with giant plot holes and predictable, unnecessary turns, but the kids curse worse than most workers on oil derricks.

The music was well crafted and woven into the plot.
It sucks this movie gets its bad ratings because of old people rating the movie!  It's an entertaining movie, not all art is serious, much less perfect constructed. Considering that a whole family can watch this as a new movie for less than NZ$12 it's a bargain! It's score is 8/10 at least in the young teens plus parents fun time category.

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