Kaappaan (2019) Sinhala Subtitles

Comeback of suriya thalaivar after a Gap. and the complete actor mohanlal support from him too with a perfect casting in the list. kappann(bandobast) A secret specialist and a SPG service. Suriya and mohanlal combo perfect combo perfect pairs too.perfect message and perfect speech too from both mohanlal and arya too.
congrats KV anand for your memorable direction of your making and a director too.
best direction
best producer
best screen play
best editing
terrific background music
epic background score
amazing songs-siriki song and hey amego song in my favourite list loved those two songs guys.
best visual graphics
best production controller
best costume designer
powerful dialouges
perfect script too.
storyline was brilliant and awesome making with a humour,social,and a message too.
finally suriya anna s first all time block buster hit kappann(bandobast)tamil movie. and mohanlal s first tamil movie too blockbuster hit too.
other characters-suriya anna,mohanlal,sayessha,arya,bommi irani,shammna,etc etc have performed brilliant and fantastic to their names to it. mohanlal s punch dialouges and powerful dialouges are insane and super too. A dialouge of mohanlal-proud to be an indian. A big salute jai hind!
first half-
introduction of suriya anna s entry scene was a terrific and epic start to its title to a kappann title and boom boom bomb to it.
stunt scenes and action scenes are high on cards and even it was fabulous and outstanding to watch those scenes in it.
2nd half-
superb and amazing,with lots of humour,message,action,fight and stunt to it.
suriya s hideout s were brilliant and epic like a secret service of a intelligent person behind it.
train scenes and speech of arya s scene during the last scene was a turnaround to it. climax was amazing and thrilling too.
loved a lot kaapann.
verdict-suriya fans and mohanlal fans will enjoy and rejoice the fun ride of both the superstars A turnaround to its movie.
congrats suriya anna and mohanlal for your first all-time blockbuster hit kaapann tamil movie. love you suriya anna and laletta a lot.